WakeUtah has teamed up with Rockwell Watches to give Utah Wakeboards a chance to win some sweet prizes this summer. We are excited to announce the Rockwell Summer Photo Contest. So here is the deal first get your hands on some Rockwell Stickers either at Adrenaline Hard Wear at the Gateway Mall or from the WakeUtah crew at any of our events. Now slap those stickers all over your wakeboard, bindings, boat, or whatever you can get them to stick to. Next start taking pictures of you and the Rockwell Sticker(s). Pick you favorites, head over to your my.WakeUtah.com profile and upload as many pictures as you want, but make sure to tag them with the word: Rockwell. Once a month the Rockwell crew will pick their favorite picture and hook the owner up with some Rockwell Swag. Then at the end of the Summer Rockwell will pick their favorite photo and hook that person up with a killer Rockwell Prize Pack.