2017 Wakeboard Competition Divisional Breakdown

After soliciting feedback from the community , we have decided that for the 2017 season, we will adopt divisions that fall more in line with the World Wakeboarding Association (WWA). This means instead of divisions being separated by abilities as in the past, they will now be based on an Age Range with the exception of the Open Women & Open Men’s divisions. We believe this will allow riders to compete amongst their respective peers while eliminating the issue of sandbagging with the new rules implemented with this format. Both the Wake in the Snake competition in Burley, ID and the Tige Wake Up at Pineview Reservoir in Eden, UT will be following this new format for consistency.


1.  Grom (11 & under, boys & girls combined)

2. Boys (12-15 years old)

3. Jr. Women (12-15 years old)

4. Jr. Men (16-20 years old)

5. Men’s 1 (21-29 years old)

6. Men’s 2 (30 & over)

7. Open Women (any age)

8. Open Men (formerly known as Outlaw – any age)


Additional details on these Divisions will be forthcoming, but here are some of the rules of this new format.


  1. A rider’s age for the season will be established by Thursday, July 6, 2017 (48hrs prior to the Wake in the Snake), if they compete in both events. This means whatever age a rider is as of July 6th, 2017, they will be able to remain in that same age division at the 2017 Wake Up competition even if they had a birthday between competitions. If a rider only competes in the Tige Wake Up, their division will be based on their current age on Thursday, July 27, 2017 (48hrs prior to the Wake Up).
  2. There are no age restrictions for the Open Women & Open Men divisions.
  3. A rider will be required to present a government issued photo I.D. to show proof of current age during registration and/or check-in. (Passport, drivers license, birth certificate, State I.D., etc). A clear, photograph copy or picture of the birth certificate will be acceptable.
  4. An Open woman’s rider may also compete in a Men’s age division provided there is no time constraints in the competition schedule. A rider choosing to participate in two different divisions will be required to pay a separate entrance fee for each division they compete in.
  5. A rider can NOT compete in more than two (2) divisions. Bonus competitions such as a Double Up Contest at the end of the day does not apply to this rule.
  6. The Open Men will compete in their first round as the first event of the day. A predetermined amount of riders will advance from the first round to the Final round at the end of the day. That number will be announced no later than the rider’s meeting prior to the start of the event.
  7. There will be NO trick restrictions for any division, except that there will be a predetermined number of tricks that a rider may execute per pass. The max number of tricks per pass will be announced at the riders meeting, but expect 4 tricks per pass. For the Open Men finals, on the second pass only, the rider would get an extra “wild card” trick to make it 9 total for both passes. A wild card trick will only add to the score, not take away.
  8. Falls will not affect a rider’s execution score, but a rider still only gets 2 falls. On the second fall, their run is done. The execution category will only determine how clean or sloppy a rider’s run was. If a rider falls, they can still complete the max number of tricks per pass provided it’s completed within the competition course. HOWEVER, the Double Whammy is still in effect, so if a rider falls twice on the same trick, this WILL count against their score! The wild card trick will only count towards a double whammy if it’s the same as the last trick that was thrown before the wild card trick.
  9. For Groms, they will have a shortened course, but will be able to throw as many tricks within each pass as they want. However, if a rider repeats a trick, it will only be scored once. The length of the course will be announced at the riders meeting.
  10. For the Boys & Jr. Women’s divisions, we will allow the riders to repeat their passes, but not repeat tricks in the same pass. For all other divisions, repeated tricks will negatively affect a riders score.


*There will be other details of the new format that will be announced at the riders meeting before the start of each event.