2008 Wake in the Snake Results

Grom Dexton Wallace Nate Stover Darian Bateman Beginner Zac Kane Morgan Winchester Travis Terry Intermediate Daniel Barger Dylon S Taylor Benson Women Jenacee Jackson Brooke Bagley Nikki Willhoite Advanced Travis Sprenger Chance Bird Jenacee Jackson Outlaw Dave Bagley Braxton Tomlinson Andrew Wallace Double Up contest pictures: Main Event Pictures: Photo Gallery

IWA Yuba Competition / Practice Runs

The practice runs the night prior to the event were a bust, not for lack of riders though, the gusts of wind were horrible, only one rider was able to get out before we called it no good, and they kept blowing till the sun went down. Probably the most beneficial part of having the WakeUtah.com team out there was … Read More