Spring Fever

Utah weather is annoying, just as you start to feel the warmth of Spring and the wakeboarding bug starts to scratch you get slapped in the face with a cold spell.

But apart from the fact that mother nature can’t make up her mind on when to let it get warm this year the wakeboarding scene in Utah is going to have a great year.  We have several competitions planned already this year that should bring the awesome, with some great events that we hope will help progress the sport and bring more people into it.  It all starts with the Hyperlite spring ride in June and just rolls from there.

Then we have the announcement at the boat show that the System 2.0 that they used there will be staying in Utah.  I spoke with Pat about it at the show, I asked what the new owner planned to do with it, was it a private purchase or is it someone who is going to set it up and open it to the public.  All he told me was that they planned on using it for wakeboarding.

There has been a-lot of rumors over the years about a cable coming to Utah, I really feel the scene would benefit from a cable park, there are thousands of people who don’t go out and ride because of the cost of a boat, cost of gas, or they don’t want to sit on the dock and beg for a ride.  I guess we will see what is going to happen, time will show us all the awesome that is in store for 2011.

For now, fight back mother nature, get a dry suit and get on the water!