WakeUtah’s Featured Rider (July): Ryan Webster

hooters.jpgJuly’s featured rider is Ryan Webster, Ryan Webster has been on the scene wakeboarding for a few years and is always progressing, both himself and the sport. An eager rider who does it for the love of wakeboarding, Ryan makes residence in Delta, Utah where he lives on “The Res” with his family who are extremely supportive of not only his wakeboarding but the sport in general. I have been told that once “The Res” is thawed Ryan is out riding, as early as February, take a run off a dock start and finish with a clean run right back where he started.
Ryan competes at the Outlaw division in the IWA, and has placed in the top 3 at all Utah stops so far. The level of intensity that Ryan rides with is hard to match, and if his success is any indicator, Ryan will be going places in wakeboarding.
Dewey and I had the opportunity to go down to Delta recently and install the coolest rail we had in Ryan’s back yard. Ryan admitted that he hasn’t hit rails much, and this beast would lend lots of practice time, but only after a few hits on the 60 footer, Ryan was sliding the whole thing, spinning 180’s and gapping the top like he had been doing it all season.

Name – Ryan Webster
Age -20
Sponsors – Hyperlite, Marine Products, MOM and DAD
Board Set Up – Hyperlite Pulse with Byerly bindings
Hobbies other than wake sports – Duck hunting with my dog Whiskey
Biggest Accomplishments – Associates Degree, 2006 IWA Overall
Goals this Season – Consistently land toe and heel 7’s, crow mobe
Favorite Pro and Local Riders – Pro: AJ Racinelli, Rusty Malinoski. Local: Where to start? Colby Shelton, Mark Glover, Andrew Wallace, Kayden Tomlinson, Braxton Tomlinson, Colton Brockbank, Scott Bagley, Tyler Peterson, Bret Peterson.
Favorite Trick to watch and perform – Huge KGB
What is it about wakeboarding? – I owe it all to my parents to getting me into the sport, they support me in all I do. Wakeboarding is an escape from reality. When I am on the lake it is like time stops, haha and ask Colby Shelton or Andrew Wallace, I am in my own dream world when I am out on the boat. For me, wakeboarding is not about the contests or the moves you can throw, it is a way of life and sharing the sport with other people I think about wakeboarding more than anything else, it’s what gets me through the day.
What do you like about the local scene? – All the riders get along and help push each other to learn new things, the number one most important thing that I like is the fact that we are all friends out there and love doing the same thing. I like how Dewey has been helping Utah get into the wakeboard scene. He has already made a huge impact on Utah riders with rail/winch riding.
Who do you ride with? – I ride with just about anybody who is down, but on a normal day I ride by myself sad, huh? Where is the love?

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